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Sep 19, 2011

Android Rooting...(Getting started With Android)

Rooting Android...
What to do after getting an Android?.
Basically it's a Smart Phone,can do lots of stuff,it has a great processing power,lots of apps and games are available on Android Market  and many other sits,some are free and some are paid.
But if you are impressed by it and satisfied then Still you are not using your Droid's 100%  power as you have not Rooted your phone yet!.

Now what is Rooting??
Rooting is similar to Jail-break in i-Phone,and Symbian or can say Root/Super user for Linux or administrator in Windows.
It would give you 100% access on your Android system ,you can use your hardware and system to it's full potential.
can change fonts,can take full backup,can Use LINK2SD for moving apps to sd card on Android 2.1 also!!,Can over-under clock your CPU speed (changing CPU's speed can be handy for power management) can remove unwanted adds which comes all time while playing game or in any app all time ,You can do many more stuffs by it..
You can use android without rooting also but just try to search Root in android market then you'll realize what you are missing,but rooting is recommended for advance user only as if you do some thing wrong without knowing you'll end up bricking your cell,so be little careful.
If you want to check ,weather your android is rooted or not you can check it by downloading Root checker  from market .
Don't be sad if your Android is not rooted you can root it by many ways,
You can find many ways to root your android (particular model),some methods doesn't work on all android.
But here I'm Showing you one of the EASIEST method of Rooting,by which you can also Un-root your phone.

>Download Z4ROOT from HERE
>Or scan this Barcode on your Android.

>Copy it to sd card and install using any app installer.

>Open it ,click on Permanent root,and wait for a Reboot.
>Busy Box will also installed in it..
>After rooting when you will open Z4Root ,it'll look like this.

What is Busy Box?
Busy Box will provide a nut shell for you device so it will enable your device to run scripts.It is required to run some root apps.
Download Root checker and conform Root and installation of busy box.
If you don't like it then can also un-root your device.
Enjoy :)

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